
A Little About Our Founder/Director

Sara is the founder and active director of Women With Purpose as well as the Mission Trip Coordinator for the Tijuana Christian Mission orphanages. She grew up in the orphanage and decided to leave when she became pregnant. She worked endlessly to provide for her girls, but after deciding she had enough of the abuse she was experiencing, she returned home to help with her mom’s ministry. In the time she spent working at the orphanage, Sara began to notice the women arriving with their kids were battered. One day she met Judith who came beaten and bruised to leave her daughter and Sara began to wonder what happened with these women afterwards, and whether or not they would go back with their abusers depending on if they had family to support them. She took her to the social services office, but was told that the only resource they had was counseling. Sara was distraught at the lack of support this woman would have and she responded telling the social worker that God was going to open a shelter and soon they would be sending her these women. Two years later in 2003 Sara opened the first battered women’s shelter in Tijuana and it was not until 5 years later that the government opened theirs. Thanks to Sara’s initial obedience and God’s faithfulness, the shelter continues to be a refuge and blessing for many women needing a new start.