Women with purpose

Healing and Empowering the Women of Mexico


“They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.”

- Jeremiah 17:8


Our Mission

Women With Purpose is a faith based women’s shelter located in Tijuana, Mexico.

Our non-profit organization exists to provide shelter, restore hope, and facilitate healing for women in Mexico who have experienced extreme abuse.

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Our Program

The Women With Purpose staff believes in a holistic approach to healing and growth.

While the women are in our care, we make sure that each one receives adequate mental, emotional, and physical treatment based on their individual needs.

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Testimonies are powerful. These stories remind us that there is hope in the midst of brokenness, and that there is a plan for each of us.

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Give today

Women With Purpose is a support based organization. The healing of the women under our care and the growth of our programs depend upon the generosity of our faithful financial and prayer supporters.

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Sowing seeds of hope.
Growing roots of strength.

We believe that through connection with others, the Lord heals and grows His people. To connect with us to see how you can play a role in our ministry, click the link below:


Diligent to our calling.
Dedicated to change.

Here at Women With Purpose we feel a specific burden to care for women at risk in Mexico. We are patient to wait upon the Lord for His instruction, and we are quick to act when He leads us.

We know that growth is currently happening within our ministry; growth in ways that are obvious to us now and in ways that we are not even aware of yet.

We have a dream to expand our physical footprint in the Baja California area, and our impact on the lives of women will expand as well when this dream becomes a reality.

To learn more about where our ministry is headed in the future, click the link below:


Contact Us



PO Box #85
National City, CA, 91950